Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by attending the surgery and filling in our repeats form or you can click the link below.

Repeat prescriptions cannot be ordered over the phone. If you need to talk to someone regarding your medication you can call the surgery from 2.30pm-4.00pm to speak to a prescription clerk, or attend the surgery from 1.00pm-4.00pm.

Repeat prescriptions for HRT or oral contraception need a regular blood pressure check, if you are re-ordering for these medications please call the surgery to book this with our HCA. Please note these medications will not be prescribed unless you have seen the healthcare assistant.

If you are travelling in the next two weeks and will require more of your medication, please give us as much notice as possible to arrange a repeat for you.

Please click here to order your repeats.
PLEASE NOTE – Repeat prescriptions need to be ordered either by yourself or the pharmacy of your choice on a monthly basis!